Below, you can find information about how our high school operates. If you have any further questions, see the contact information below.
Our students are in charge of many aspects of the school’s organisation, from its marketing to managing the student budget. This helps them develop practical skills and teaches them to make decisions, propose solutions, defend opinions, make compromises and responsibly carry out tasks.
We combine various teaching methods to ensure comprehensive learning. Our curriculum includes lectures, workshops, long and short term projects, field trips and independent study. We emphasise the importance of students meeting interesting people from different disciplines. Each method of learning develops a different skill in our students.
Our students have the opportunity to encounter core subjects of the national curriculum throughout their studies. However, it is our priority to give them the opportunity to study topics they are personally interested in and that make sense for their future life. They also choose when and how they want to study their interests.
Every student has a mentor who knows them well. The mentor is a guide to the student's studies, providing continuous feedback, helping the student to overcome challenges and motivating the student to aim higher. As we believe that inner motivation is the most important source of drive in life, we allocate sufficient time for its development.
Teamwork is becoming a crucial skill for success in the job market. Through various team projects, we encourage students to try out different team roles and discover their strengths.
We make sure that students are taught by people who have something to pass on to them. Our teaching staff meet the legal requirements, but the main criterion for selection is life experience and the ability to inspire students. The Scio brand and the authority of our founder Ondřej Šteffl help us encounter and cooperate with such people.