ScioSchool is a building in which full-time studies take place throughout the school year. We are a four-year grammar school with a high school diploma. We encourage students to think about what, how and why they are learning.
If you are interested in transferring to the second or third year, please fill out this pre-application form and we will get back to you.
Last year, we accepted about 80% of the students who applied. The remaining 20 % of applicants weren't admitted because we felt that our school was not suitable for them. Last year, the chances of getting admitted to our school were higher than getting admitted to other grammar schools in Brno.
You will find all the necessary information under this link.
The application system is changing this year.
According to the current decree of the Ministry of Education, there are three ways to apply. All important information can be found here.
The application form includes a motivation letter.
Our students have a lot of freedom in what they learn, when they learn it and how they learn it - that's why we need to get to know our applicants. Putting together a motivation letter isn't difficult - you can find a simple guide here.
Anyone who scores 29 points or less (in the sum of both the Czech language and Mathematics exam) is removed from the admission procedure. Whoever exceeds the pass mark (30 points or more) in CERMAT tests receives 60 points out of a total of 100 points.
A group of 5 to 8 people will be given a simple task to work on together. A short individual interview will also take place on the same day - we may ask you further questions about your motivation letter and the group activity.
We do not take it into account.
Applicants, who have received their previous education outside of the Czech republic are given an exam from the Czech language. Their knowledge will be tested by an interview, which is a part of the school entrance exam. If their knowledge allows them to study at our school without difficulties , 15 points will be added to their total score. If their knowledge is such that they would have difficulties studying at our school, they will be given 0 points. The applicant can't be admitted if he/she does not have the necessary knowledge of the Czech language.
Applicants who score at least 16 points in the school part of the exam and at least 3 points in each of the school admissions criteria will be ranked in order by their overall score in all parts of the admissions process, from highest to lowest.
In round 2, the first 5 applicants ranked by this order will be admitted.
Applicants who are admitted will then be contacted by phone/email to arrange a meeting with the management to sign a contract.
No. A doctor's note is not required.
The school part of the exam will take place in early June. We will contact the applicants who are admitted and tell them the exact date.
The school you are applying to is a vibrant learning centre and relies heavily on the activity of its students. They have a say in what is taught, how it is taught, and many other things that happen in and around the school. That's why we want to get to know them well enough. We will interview the applicant based on his/hers motivation letter. That's why it is very important that each applicant writes his or hers own motivation letter. The structure should look like this:
Škola, na kterou se hlásíš, je živým vzdělávacím centrem, které se opírá především o aktivitu svých studentů. Ti mají vliv na to, co se učí, jak se to učí, a na mnoho dalších věcí, které se ve škole a kolem ní dějí. Proto nás zajímá, kdo se do Střední ScioŠkoly hlásí a s čím přichází. Představa o tom, co se uchazeči chtějí ve škole naučit, pro nás bude možným podkladem pro ústní pohovor. Proto je velice důležité, aby každý uchazeč sestavil sám svůj motivační dopis. Jeho struktura by měla vypadat asi takhle:
We want to know who you are and what interests you. What do you enjoy? What have you already achieved? This could for example include experience in scouting or other activities - organisational skills, language certificates, leisure activities, … Feel free to include whether you can cook, fix a bike or have any other practical skills. What do you like to do in your free time? Do you record videos, play video games or a musical instrument? What are you "into"? What do you really enjoy doing?
You have a lot of control over what educational content you focus on at our school. Do you want to be an architect, or do you want to become a psychologist? Think about what you need to know and what you need to be able to do. We'd like to know what you are planning to do after graduating high school. What can you offer us?
The motivation letter should be 2 - 5 A4 pages long. There are no limits to your imagination when it comes to graphic design. However, please attach an electronic version of the motivation letter to your application!